Product Support
Some healthcare facilities and state policies require users to document their training on the LeadCare II System. These online training tools are designed to help you train on the system and record your success. Remember to print and retain the records documenting each user’s training.
Some healthcare facilities and state policies require users to document their training on the LeadCare II System. These online training tools are designed to help you train on the system and record your success. Remember to print and retain the records documenting each user’s training.
Training Tools for Your LeadCare® II
LeadCare II Analyzer Kit
Unpack the analyzer kit and review its contents:
- Read the LeadCare II User’s Guide (electronic)
- Read the LeadCare II Quick Reference Guide
- Watch the CDC Blood Collection Video (approx. 10 min.)
- Watch the LeadCare II Instructional Video below
(approx. 12 min.)
LeadCare II Test Kit
- Open test kit and review contents
- Read the LeadCare II Package Insert
Quality Control
- Follow the LeadCare II Quick Reference Guide and test a Level 1 and Level 2 Quality Control
- Record your results and verify that they are within the acceptable range
User Certification
- Review the Skills Checklist
- Take the online User Certification Exam
Training Completion
- Print the training overview & user certificate
- Keep for your training documentation files
Need help or additional information?
Contact the Product Support Team at (800) 275-0102 or email us at